Friday, June 26, 2015

Perhaps the Day of Purificatin has Arrived

I have not posted on this or any other blog since the re-election of Barack Obama to the Presidency of the United States due to the overwhelming since of rejection I feel from my own fellow American citizens.  Today, 26 June 2015, only two and a half years after that, the final blow to the American version of Western Civilization was delivered.  Somehow, someway, the haters of God have succeeded in turning not only Godliness but the very course of nature on its head, and have twisted the holy relationship of marriage into an unholy deformity of the original meaning of that God-Ordained institution.  The relationship between the Church and American society and its government is now officially broken.  Maybe now Christian Evangelicals and Fundamentalists will cease the blind patriotism that this wicked nation's politicians has exploited.  The United States and well as modern Israel are wicked nations that have been promoting homosexuality for at least six decades, if not longer; yet even with the homosexualization of the military itself, Christian young people are going into foreign lands to fight wars that have ambiguous goals, to be injured or killed for reasons that are either kept secret or are arbitrary, for a nation that exalts wickedness as a virtue, and shames Godliness as a vice.  The Beast is already mandating its mark, to "buy or sell", one must bear it.  Can worse things be far behind?  And shall you and I stand on the day of our trial?  Well, according to scripture, God desires "a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish."  Perhaps the day of purification has arrived.