My name is Joel Watson and this is I started my blogging experience over at Wordpress at, under the title of “Theology, Philosophy, and Other Thoughts”, and then later moved to, due to the fact that almost all of my postings were of a theological or church-related nature, and also because my main duty in life at the time was hosting Bible studies and propagating the Good Word. As time rolled on, I found more and more difficult and inhibiting to frame all of my thoughts in a theological setting. Oh, don’t take that the wrong way – everything can be tied to one’s theology – every thought and action. Nothing in my view of this has changed. It’s just that my readers may find it disingenuous or clumsily contrived to associate a bad day at work with, say, Ecclesiology, or Anthropology. I will still attempt to show the relationship of all of life to the God who created it, but under a more populist banner. And I intend to be more personal, relating some of my personal history to readers – something that should never take place in a sermon or serious treatise of any sort.
The range of subjects is not limited – from religion to politics to music to warts to anything else.
This move from Wordpress to Blogger is happening at this time due to certain restrictions at Wordpress that do not exist at Blogger. Wordpress is a good blog service and I have nothing bad to say about them, just that they have restrictions on Adsense that Blogger does not have for some reason.
This blog is for a General Audience, which means that comments must be done in a way that doesn’t send the wrong message to children, and must not be obscene, or else I will disapprove them. Words that express anger are welcome, but they must be tamed down enough to meet the criteria for approval. The final arbiter is my opinion of what is appropriate and what is not. It is my blog, after all.
Feel free to explore my other blogs (address given above), and leave comments here or there.
Religiously, I have journeyed from fundamentalism (Christian, not Muslim !!) to a type of Reformed Theology (I sometimes list my religion as “Primitive Baptist”, but I have not actually joined a Primitive Baptist Church). Politically, I have journeyed from conservative (in reality, a “neo” conservative), to something between a Christian Libertarian and a political agnostic (i.e., just stay out of it).
My writing is often riddled with missing words and prefixes, etc. I am one of those that can read scrambled words very easily, and that seems to affect my ability to find scrambled words and phrases when I write. Spellcheck doesn’t catch everything. So please be charitable toward me on that issue. Thank you.
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